Policies and Procedures

Club Policies and Procedures 2024-2025

Travel Team Elementary Program

The goal of our elementary program is to introduce players to the world of competitive, high level basketball and build their love for the game.  

Elementary teams will have 2 practices per week (90 min practice and 75 min practice)

All players are expected to train outside of practices on ball handling, shooting, strength and conditioning and footwork. 

Travel Team Middle School Program

Middle school teams will have 2 practices per week for 2 hours each practice. Teams may have additional time requirements for film sessions after tournaments. 

All players are expected to train outside of practices on ball handling, shooting, strength and conditioning and footwork. 

Players on our black teams are those that are committed to intensive training with the intention of starting their high school careers at the highest level as soon as possible. 

Our middle school teams will play in the tournaments and levels that give them the best chance of success as well as growth. 

8th grade High School Transition Program

Our 8th grade program will run September to March with the goal of preparing players to start practicing with high school teams in the spring.

Travel Team Billing

The Club basketball season runs year round, September-July. Due to gym availability, practice times, days and locations may change. 

Travel Tournament Teams: Only by having full commitment can our teams compete at the highest levels. 

8U-13U, this is a full season commitment September-July. Payment can be made all at once or in four installments.

14U September-May, to allow players the flexibility to begin training with high school teams after the CIF deadline

New This Season: Due to rising tournament costs and the challenge of collecting payments each week, tournament fees will now be included in your training and registration fees. You are responsible for the full season's cost, regardless of the number of tournaments you attend. Please note that any potential travel tournaments are not included in these fees.

Train & Play: Payment is divided into seasons (Sept-Nov, Dec-Feb, March-June. $450 per season In order to stop payment, a written cancellation request must be sent TWO WEEKS before the BILLING DATE to proskillsdirector@gmail.com.  Only emailed requests allowed. No verbal requests to the director or coaches will be considered. Refunds or make ups due to vacation, schedule change, or other events will not be given. Please read the policies at registration for more details.

Train & Play + The League

The League was developed to answer the need for more games without the expense and time commitment of large tournaments. This is a club level league for high level players looking for more game experience. The League is only open to players who try out and are offered a spot on a roster

Additional cost of $400 to training fee plus $100 full game uniform (used fall & spring)

  • More games, less driving
  • Local games with club level talent
  • No admission fee for spectators, no parking fee
  • Invitation only, must try out
  • this is NOT Rec basketball, 10ft hoops, official rules, full court defense
  • more basketball for avid players
  • flexibility for multiple sport athletes
  • high school coaching exposure
  • Limited spots
  • 2 seasons, fall and spring, 8 weeks each
  • 9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/26, 11/2. 11/9, playoffs 11/16, finals 11/23

ProSkills Stars

Girls Program

Women’s basketball is on the rise! We are very excited about the 2nd season of our ProSkills Stars Train & Play and competitive teams. The teams will practice twice a week: one 90min team elementary (Tuesday 3:30-5:00) or middle school practice (Thursday 6:30-8:30), and one 75 min train & play clinic (Friday, 5:15-6:30).

The goal is to play one to two tournaments per month when the coaches feel the team is ready. Players are also encouraged to play in the co-ed league.


Team schedules, availability, and important documents are all communicated through TeamSnap. Please make sure to download the app, subscribe to the calendar, and make sure emails are not going to junk. 

Parent Code of Conduct

Trust the process. We have over  15 years of experience coaching and developing players. Our teams become small families and our players and parents form lasting friendships beyond basketball.

This code of conduct is designed to foster a supportive, positive environment that helps athletes thrive on and off the court. As a parent or guardian of a ProSkills athlete, I commit to supporting my child, their team, and the ProSkills organization by adhering to the following principles:

  1. Respect the Role of Coaches  

   I understand that coaches view my child within the context of the team. I will respect their decisions and trust their judgment, knowing they are focused on the development of the entire team.

  1. Separate Performance from Parenting  

   I recognize that my child’s performance on the court is not a reflection of my parental skills. I will focus on supporting their growth as a teammate rather than their individual statistics.

  1. Align on Accountability  

   I will reinforce the values of accountability at home. If my child is disciplined by their coach, I will support the coach’s efforts by holding my child accountable for their actions, both on and off the court.

  1. Encourage Growth Through Failure  

   I will allow my child to experience failure and learn from it. I understand that failure is a natural part of development and will not shield my child from it, but instead, help them to grow stronger through their experiences.

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Criticism

 I will refrain from critiquing my child’s performance after games or practices. Instead, I will express my love and support, allowing them to reflect on their own progress and encouraging self-assessment. I will avoid bringing up basketball-related issues at home unless my child initiates the conversation. At home, my primary role is to be a parent, not a coach.

  1. Promote Resilience  

  I will encourage my child to have a short memory for mistakes, helping them to move on quickly and learn from their errors. I understand that dwelling on mistakes can hinder their progress.

  1. Support the Team and All Players  

 I will support every player on my child’s team, celebrating their successes and encouraging them in their challenges. I will refrain from negative comments about other players and will foster a positive team environment.

  1. Speak Positively About Coaches  

  I will speak positively about my child’s coaches, even if I do not agree with all their decisions. I will address any concerns privately, away from my child, to ensure they maintain a positive attitude toward their coach.

  1. Focus on the Process, Not Comparisons  

   I will encourage my child to focus on their own development rather than comparing themselves to other players. I will support them in becoming the best version of themselves by emphasizing the importance of hard work, attitude, and coachability.

  1. Avoid Over-Investment in Performance  

 I will not allow my happiness or mood to depend on my child’s performance on the court. If I find myself overly affected by their success or failure, I will take a break from attending games to refocus on supporting my child’s overall development.

  1. Value Character Over Rankings  

 I will prioritize my child’s development as a person and player over their ranking or statistics. I understand that attributes like hard work, body language, and teamwork are more important than early accolades.

  1. Value in Non-Talent-Based Attributes: I will encourage my player to prioritize attributes like hard work, hustle, coachability, attitude, energy, and good body language in practices and games. 

By following this code of conduct, I commit to being a positive influence on my child’s basketball journey, supporting their development as both an athlete and a person.

Parent Rules of ProSkills Basketball

24 Hours Rule: If a parent is dissatisfied with a situation that occurs during practice or a game, it will not be discussed until 24 hours afterwards. This allows for a “cooling off” period as well as the discussion to be moved away from the players.

Off Limit Topics: Playing time or the skills of other players will not be up for discussion with the coach and should not be discussed with other parents. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should parents discuss the playing time or skills of a player in front of or directly to our youth players.

**No Refund Policy:**  

I understand and acknowledge the specific conditions outlined in the ProSkills refund policy, which I have read and accepted.

I further understand that if my player's class is canceled due to circumstances such as weather, illness, COVID-19-related issues, holidays, or other unforeseen events, no refunds or makeup sessions will be provided. Refunds or makeup sessions will not be issued for missed classes due to personal reasons, including but not limited to vacation, schedule changes, injury, or the player’s decision not to participate.

**Non-Dispute Agreement:**  

I acknowledge and agree that all charges made to my credit card for ProSkills services are final. I will not initiate a dispute or chargeback with my credit card issuer or bank regarding these charges. Should any discrepancies or issues arise, I agree to contact ProSkills directly to seek resolution.

Train & Play Season Commitment & Billing Cancellation Policy

By registering for ProSkills Train & Play, I acknowledge that this is a seasonal commitment for the following periods: September-November, December-February, or March-June. I understand that I am financially responsible for the entire season and will be automatically billed for the subsequent season unless I cancel billing by sending an email to proskillsdirector@gmail.com at least two weeks prior to the billing dates of December 1 and March 1.

**Travel Team Full Season Commitment**

By accepting a roster spot on the ProSkills Travel Club Team, I acknowledge that this is a full-season commitment, extending from September to July. I understand that I am financially responsible for the entire season's cost for 2024-2025, regardless of whether I choose to pay upfront or in installments.

I further understand and accept that if my player's class is canceled due to circumstances such as weather, illness, COVID-19-related issues, holidays, gym availability or other unforeseen events, no refunds or makeup sessions will be provided. Additionally, refunds or makeup sessions will not be issued for missed classes due to personal reasons, including but not limited to vacation, schedule changes, injury, or the player’s decision to discontinue participation.